Once upon a time the world experienced a catastrophic tragedy that doomsday in 2012, in which every human being can not avoid this tragedy and where the damage - which led to the destruction of the human race. Disasters such as meteor showers, volcanic eruption, tsunami waves swallow up the Himalayas to bring the world to the brink of collapse. This has been predicted by the highly accurate in the calculation of the calendar. Mayans predict that no date again after 2012 and there is no life after the human race. It was told in 2009 that the Mayan city of Tikal, Guatemala predict that there will be "Rapture" in conjunction with the galactic alignment on December 21, 2012, the date of the solstice northern hemisphere. Those who believe in the Mayan calendar calculations, gang - crowded commit mass suicide. A presidential science adviser Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel...
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